Five Benefits to Using Social Messenger to Engage Your Audience
Updating your marketing strategy to include social messenger or messaging applications is not only fairly easy to implement it also provides loads of benefits to your business overall.
Many messaging applications include other features that make engaging your audience easier, increasing your sales or revenue. Research shows that social messenger applications such as WhatsApp, WeChat, and Facebook Messenger are highly beneficial and popular.
Here are the five vital benefits to using social messenger apps to engage your audience:
Increased Audience Interaction
Many of the tools and features social messenger applications provided involve the customer interacting with you even though no one is there. Customer interaction is important to keep them interested and away from your competition. In addition, the more involved they are with your brand, the more likely they are to become loyal customers.
Improved Customer Empowerment and Experience
Increased involvement correctly implemented through social messenger applications also improves customers’ overall experience outlook on your brand. Making it easy to communicate and solve problems only makes the experience positive. Not only that, but it also allows your customers to feel empowered when they can start the conversation and any moment beyond normal company hours.
Enhanced Brand Awareness
Social messenger applications like Instagram and Snapchat come with tools and features like stories that allow you to future promote and market your brand. Taking advantage of these tools allows your customers to learn more about you and the value you provide.
More Trust and Authority Among Consumers
The more content and access to communication your customers have, the more trust and authority you build. In addition, being highly available proves to your customers that your products and services are what you claim them to be and that you truly value their input too.
Increased Sales and Revenue
Finally, the most important benefit of using social messenger applications is to increase your revenue. Of course, improved customer service and experience will naturally increase your sales, but many of these applications can make the buying process more streamlined and secure.
As you can see, social messaging applications are a powerful tool that you should use for audience engagement and business growth. With the engagement you can create with your target audience, they will purchase and become loyal customers. Therefore, finding the right social messenger application to add to your marketing campaign is necessary for your target audience to communicate with you and gain these benefits.
Five Benefits to Engaging Your Audience with Facebook Messenger
Did you know that Facebook Messenger is the second most popular social messenger application behind WhatsApp to date? In fact, it is said that roughly eleven percent of the world’s population uses Facebook Messenger. Remember how many people there are around the world as you look at these numbers.
Eleven percent of one million people is roughly one hundred and ten thousand people; there are approximately eight billion people in the world. This means businesses can reach their target audience easier than ever by simply using Facebook Messenger.
Five important benefits of engaging your audience using Facebook messenger:
Improved Customer Relationships
Facebook messenger allows you to continue improving and fostering existing relationships and new ones. Targeted bots, messenger ads, or Facebook Messenger broadcasts are just a few ways to accomplish this. Messenger broadcasts allow you to target a specific set of people to further increase their interest in your brand with specific content.
Increased Sales Potential
Due to Facebooks reach and features, increasing sales with Facebook messenger is almost a no-brainer. Sponsored messages, send-to-messenger ads, and bots for shopping within messenger make increasing your sales easy to do. In addition, just having the ability to reach out to a business directly can further influence a customer to purchase.
Increased Customer Satisfaction
Improving communication also improves the overall experience your customers have with your business. The easier it is to ask questions or get other resources, the more satisfied they will be. Using bots and other automated features quickly increases customer satisfaction without wasting time.
Shopify and WordPress Integrations
Another benefit of using Facebook Messenger is integrating with Facebook and your Shopify store or WordPress blog. This makes communicating with your customers among many different avenues easier and more organized.
Fast and Easy To Use
It’s easy to use Facebook Messenger, making it a no-brainer to incorporate into your marketing plan. However, you don’t want to open a new communication channel that only frustrates your target audience. With Facebook Messenger, you can send or receive video and voice calls, files or images, and texts in one convenient and secure space.
Overall, Facebook Messenger is a powerful marketing and communication tool that most businesses should be using. Facebook Messenger makes it easier to communicate, foster relationships, and increase sales through a reliable and secure platform. If you want to increase customer engagement and satisfaction, adding Facebook Messenger to your content marketing plan is necessary.
Pros and Cons to Using Facebook Messenger Marketing
Before you add Facebook Messenger to your marketing campaign, it is good to review the pros and cons. This way, you can be sure the time you spend developing and creating valuable content for Facebook Messenger is worth it. Just because it is one of the most popular social messenger applications doesn’t mean it is the right one for your business or target audience.
Here are some of the most important pros and cons to know when using Facebook messenger marketing:
Can Be Seen as Intrusive
Direct messages can easily be seen as intrusive if sent by businesses, as many people view them as private. However, this can easily be mitigated by asking permission or inviting them using the other platform or application features.
Permissions Are Needed to Communicate
With that being said, Facebook Messenger requires permission before you can continue the conversation. However, while it may limit your communication, it can also be seen as a good thing as you know the ones who approve the request are likely the most interested. Additionally, this is Facebook’s way of protecting its customers against spam and other malicious content.
Limited Privacy and Storage
Finally, the most important limit to Facebook messenger includes their privacy and storage capabilities. Facebook Messenger requires the ability to monitor your messages in order to use their services. At the same time it may impose limitations, this is mostly to protect the consumer.
Easy To Create and Maintain Customer Relationships
Videos, emojis, voice responses, filters, and pictures make Facebook Messenger fun and engaging to use. This makes maintaining customer relationships easier as you can update them with more entertaining and relevant content.
Offers the Ability to Send Messages, Texts, and Calls
Facebook Messenger is unique in that it can send direct messages, instant messages, and/or calls from the same application. This increases customer engagement by choosing how they want to communicate with your business.
Facebook Messenger Continues to Grow and Offer More Features
Finally, but certainly not least, Facebook Messenger continues to grow and differentiate itself from the competition. When Facebook Messenger first started, it was only accessible through the Facebook social media app and was mostly used to send text messages.
Truly evaluate each of these pros and cons to be sure Facebook Messenger is right for your business and target audience. If a platform doesn’t help you accomplish your goals or engage your target audience, you are only wasting your time. Likewise, if your goal is to increase communication between your audience, FB Messenger is likely a strong application.
Four Tips to Using Facebook Messenger for Business
Facebook Messenger is practically a ubiquitous application in the United States and is used by consumers and businesses alike. In fact, each month, Facebook exchanges a whopping two billion messages between businesses and consumers.
Facebook Messenger offers many different features that now make it easier than ever to communicate and engage with your target audience or customers. Given that fifty percent of Facebook users are more likely to purchase if they can message a company directly, adding this application to your marketing plan is necessary.
The following are four tips to keep in mind when using Facebook messenger to grow your business:
Encourage Your Customers to Reach Out
Be creative in how you get your customers to reach out. It is important to note that Facebook doesn’t allow you to send messages to any user directly. In fact, they prefer the customer to reach out to you instead.
This means you need to be creative and make it obvious that you want to chat with them. For example, instead of having your customers comment on a post, ask them to send you any questions directly to your DMs.
Being Highly Responsive is Key
The faster you can respond to your messages, the better. The last thing you want to do is have your customers wait around. Facebook messenger lets customers know what your response rate is too. In other words, if you are late to respond, you may turn many customers away from that, preventing them from sending you a message altogether.
Incorporate Other Facebook and Omnichannel Features
Since Facebook Messenger is now a standalone application, you don’t necessarily have to use Facebook itself. This social media application makes it easy to find your target audience and deliver high-quality content. It would be best to be sure you take advantage of the omnichannel features, such as adding a Facebook messenger bot to your website.
Create and Fill in Your Facebook Page Correctly
Creating a Facebook page is a must in order to maximize the features fully and better engage your audience. This is where consumers can get to know you and everything you have to offer before establishing communication.
Be sure to fill in every detail and include content that invites them to send you a message. Facebook only allows you to send messages from your business page if your target audience starts to communicate first.
Using Facebook Messenger to grow your business is all about taking advantage of the features, getting your customers to start the communication, and providing high value. Maintaining a high response time and filling in as many company details as possible is essential to encouraging your customers to chat with you and increase your sales potential.
How to Use Facebook Messenger Ads to Engage Your Target Audience
Using Facebook Messenger to find and engage your audience is easy due to the many features this application offers, especially regarding the ads manager. Setting up messenger ads allows you to establish a more successful connection, capture their attention and reach more customers.
Messenger ads display in the chats tab of the application near other conversations your customers are already having. If users are interested in the ad, they can click to view more and will be sent to a more detailed view within in a private direct message.
Here are six steps to follow to create powerful Facebook Messenger ads that increase audience engagement:
Step One: Find Your Ads Manager Account
Before you can access your ads manager account, you must create a business manager account, which can be done here. From there, you can access the ads manager from by selecting the “Hamburger menu” at the top right of your Facebook account.
Step Two: Choose Your Campaign Objective
After selecting “Ads Manager,” Facebook will direct you to a new screen where you can create an ad campaign you need. Select “+ Create” at the top left of the screen and choose your campaign objectives. Be sure to select “Messages” for consideration and then click “Continue.”
Step Three: Fill in Destination Information
Select “Click to Message” or “Sponsored Message” below “Ad type” for the one that would work for your messenger ad campaign. Your goals or needs will determine which one is best.
Click to message ads allow you to start conversations within messenger while sponsored messages are used to re-engage customers with whom you have already had conversations. Then you can select which application you would like. Facebook ads manager allows you to pick between Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram Direct. Then select your Facebook business page before moving on to the next step.
Step Four: Budget and Scheduling
This is where you will include your daily or lifetime budget. You may need to test a budget to see what amount is perfect for your campaign and goals.
Step Five: Fill in the Correct Target Audience Information
This is the most important step, as targeting the wrong audience can make your messenger ads pointless. Be sure to take your time filling in the correct location, age, gender, detailed targeting, and langue to find the right people for your ad.
Step Six: Pick Your Placement, Review, and Publish
Finally, you need to determine if automatic or manual placement will be best. Automatic placements are the most recommended as Facebook will automatically place your ads to maximize your budget and get the most returns possible. From there, select “next” to review the information and hit “publish” when you are satisfied.
Creating messenger ads is an affordable and more targeted way to grow your audience. Following these six steps will make getting your first messenger ad up and running easy and less overwhelming.
Best Practices to Follow When Using Facebook Messenger for Business
The tools you use to market your business are only as useful and powerful as you make them. In other words, if you use them incorrectly, you won’t see the results you need to make the time spent worth it.
While many people and businesses use Facebook Messenger to communicate effectively every day, that doesn’t mean having it will be automatically beneficial. You must use it correctly and create valuable content specifically designed for messenger marketing to succeed.
The following a few best practices to follow when using Facebook Messenger to grow your business:
Get Permission Before You Engage
To be more successful with your message and marketing goal, it is always good to ask for permission or have your audience send you a message first. Even if someone is interested in your business, sending an unsolicited message can quickly turn them away. Instead, invite them to direct message in the comments section. Adding a conversation to your Facebook business page is a great and easy way to do this.
Never Assume Your Target Audiences Problem
Be sure to do your research and always ask for feedback after any conversation you have with your target audience. This way, you can be sure you fully understand their problem and what they need. Instead of highlighting what you believe to be the issue, ask direct and open-ended questions first. Starting a message with what you assume to be their problem can often come off as rude or aggressive. It is always best to let your customers tell you their problems.
Use as Many Messenger Features as You Can
Send video responses, pictures, create product catalogs or use technology like MobileMonkey to send subscription-based broadcasts to those who opt into it. The more features you use, the easier it is to engage your audience and turn a profit.
Re-Market with Click-To-Messenger Ads
Many reasons customers don’t buy a product are simply because they have unanswered questions. However, if these questions were answered, they would likely make the purchase and feel satisfied – which is one reason click-to-messenger ads using Facebook’s ad manager is so successful. The idea is to remind those who have already viewed your page or sent you a message about your products and then invite them to ask any questions.
Don’t neglect these must-have practices to Facebook messenger. You do not need to start from nothing with social messenger marketing. Many have already proven the results by following these best practices. However, to be successful with Facebook messenger, you need to follow these best practices to engage your audience better and improve their experience and understanding of your brand.
Facebook Messenger Marketing Tools to Know About
Using tools to assist with Facebook Messenger can further help drive sales, increase audience engagement, and make the customer experience more rewarding. Unfortunately, it takes time, resources, and education to develop and code many features that make Facebook Messenger beneficial. However, these third-party tools save you time to use it where you need it most, creating valuable content for your target audience.
Here are four Facebook messenger marketing tools to know about and why they are so useful:
This allows you to create a bot you need for many different platforms, including Facebook Messenger or your WordPress blog, without learning how to code it. As a result, chatBot saves you time while giving your customers or target audience more control. As a result, ChatBot can help increase sales, boost engagement, and exceed your customers’ expectations.
According to Chatfuel, a bot can solve up to eighty percent of most customer service inquires. Meaning you can answer most of your customers’ questions quickly and conveniently. Chatfuel can assist your send-to-messenger Facebook ads making them more likely to convert. They can instantly answer any customer’s questions about your products or services. Bots can be set up within minutes without knowing how to code it yourself.
MobileMonkey is an all-in-one platform for your social messaging applications. Instead of picking which application is best for your audience or struggling to communicate between too many applications, the features provided by MobileMonkey make it easier than ever to communicate with your target audience from all around the world. MobileMonkey integrates with Facebook, Instagram, Web Chat, and more.
Finally, but certainly not least, ShopPop can upgrade your messaging experience and increase your revenue at the same time. ShopPop drives engagement by sending notifications to your target audience through platforms or applications they already have.
Meaning, if you have an audience that spends a lot of time on your online store or some on Facebook messenger, they can get notifications and be aware of new information without downloading another application. This is beneficial because customers actually want to see these alerts. This includes statements about abandoned carts, back-in-stock items, news and updates, and other customizable messages you need to send out.
ShopPop also features tools to build campaigns that specifically run through your social messaging application, such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct, or Shopify store.
Give each of these tools a try as you use Facebook Messenger marketing to engage your audience and grow your business. Many of these tools can make adopting Facebook Messenger a breeze while enhancing your marketing campaign altogether.
Facebook Messenger Marketing Hacks to Engage Your Audience
Getting the most out of your social messenger marketing campaign means learning everything you can about each application to maximize its benefits. In other words, if you want to reach more customers, reduce your cost per lead, and increase your open rate, then becoming a Facebook Messenger expert is vital to your success. Using messenger will save you a lot of time, and it’s easy to get started.
Here are four Facebook messenger marketing hacks to use to engage your audience better and grow your business:
Use Facebook Messenger Subscription Messaging
Subscription messaging is free messages that can be broadcast to your audience that has chosen to opt-in. However, these messages are not to be used on a promotional basis. Instead, they should be used to educate your audience on a specific topic.
Take Advantage of Sponsored Messages
Sponsored messages are ads that allow you to target and engage your ideal customers. These ads are highly affordable and rewarding as those who click on sponsored messages are more likely to be interested than other forms of marketing. In addition, sponsored messages appear in the same area as other messages, so they won’t seem intrusive. What’s more, these ads are highly targeted, making it easy to find your customers.
Set Up Comment Guard with MobileMonkey
MobileMonkey is a third-party tool that allows you to maximize the usefulness and benefits of Facebook Messenger. With this tool, you can set up comment guard to automatically send a message to a person who comments.
For example, say you are hosting a fun Trivia competition with your audience. In order to place, they must post their answers in the comments. Comment guard will then automatically send your viewers a message letting them know if their answer was correct or not, depending on how you set it up. Not only does this save you time, but it also makes your customers feel more involved.
Send-To-Messenger Buttons and Plugin
Make sure your audience knows you communicate through messenger. This is easily accomplished by editing the contact button from your business Facebook page and using the plugin to your website or WordPress blog. To do this, you must connect your Facebook Page to your website. Select settings, then messenger platform, and input the domain under “whitelisted domains.” From there, you will need to add the plugin to your WordPress site.
Be sure to follow each of these hacks if you want to use Facebook messenger successfully. Facebook messenger wants your business to be successful, so you and your target audience keep using their application. This means the features they provide can be used correctly and to their fullest potential to reach more customers and make more sales.